Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sheffield, England and Chatsworth House

We were invited to speak at a stake fireside in Sheffield, England which is about a 2 hour drive from here.  One of the side benefits was a visit to Chatsworth House -- an extraordinary mansion that is still the home of the12th Duke and Duchess of Devonshire.  The house is owned by a trust and they pay rent to that Trust.  They have 3 children and 9 grandchildren.  What a great place to play Hide and Seek! 

This beautiful manor is nestled among the trees and exquiste gardens that surround it.  It is said that Mary, Queen of Scots, was brought here several times as Queen Elizabeth I's prisoner.  Not a bad place to be imprisoned!

Another interesting bit of trivia.....Kathleen Kennedy was married to the brother of the current duke.  Her husband was killed in the war and shortly thereafter, Kathleen was killed.  She is buried on these grounds. 

Anyone for dinner?  They actually use this dining room for special occasions, but it takes days to unset and reset the table.  Thank goodness for housekeepers who take care of such little details.!

Our hosts were Bishop and Sister Gilmore.  They are a wonderful couple who went out of their way to show us a good time. Following our tour of the House, they took us for "tea" where we sipped on hot chocolate and ate scones and other delicacies.   Bishop Gilmore was a bishop, then the Stake President, then the bishop again!  But this is an area that is on fire in terms of missionary work!

The best part of the trip was the evening we spent with the members.  They expected only a handful of young people for the youth meeting and had 45 show up.  That was the work of good parents and leaders.
The local missionaries were all in the member meeting with investigators.  These missionaries have all been in this MTC with us, so it is wonderful to see them in action!!!  And best of all, we are told that following the meeting one of the investigators asked to be baptized!

These are the big payoff moments!!!

1 comment:

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