Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Missionary Miracle

We see them every day, mostly in little increments. But today --- well, it was a true miracle.

We have a missionary here who has really been struggling. He has been very homesick (mostly for his girlfriend) and frankly has been disengaged from the work. He has goofed around, distracting his companions and others. In fact he began to gather a group around him that was buying into his program and causing all kinds of disruptions. We saw it in the halls, in the cafeteria, in the large group meetings and the instructors were seeing it in the classroom.

President talked with him and he said he wanted to go home. He just didn't feel cut out for the work -- didn't feel committed -- didn't have a testimony and a list of other "didn't's". After a lengthy discussion he committed to stay and give it a go. But things did not seem to pick up. Last night we had an area seventy come to speak and through the entire meeting he was playing with his companion's book, looking out the window, fidgeting and you name it.

We felt almost alarmed. So alarmed that we began to wonder if we could save him. We petitioned the Lord on his behalf and went to bed.

This morning he was standing by the president's door waiting for him. He was smiling and even excited. But the smile turned to tears as he shared this experience.

"Last night in his nightly prayers he pleaded with the Lord for help. He needed something that would assure him that he could do this. He needed the strength to commit himself to the work. He needed to be releaved of his homesickness and have the ability and mindset to stay and become a missionary.

He got into bed and began to think about his farewell and his friends at home. When he left, they all wrote a message to him. He had a friend that had gone to Brazil and because of a medical problem was now home. This friend had written "read D&C 67:10"

He decided he would do that --- in the morning! And then....his water bottle, that had been sitting on his desk all evening, suddenly and for no known reason, fell off the desk. He jumped up to get it so that it would not spill water on the floor and then thought that while he was up he might as well read this scripture. And there it was.......

'and again, verily I say unto you that it is your privilege, and a promise I give unto you that have been ordained unto this ministry, that inasmuch as you strip yourselves from jealousies and fears, and humble yourselves before me, for ye are not sufficently humble, the veil shall be rent and you shall see me and know that I am -- not with the carnal neither natural mind, but with the spirtual.'"

HUMBLE YOURSELF. That was the message. And it resonated with him. He got it! And he slept peacefully. This morning he is smiling. He is happy. And he is working hard.

Don't ever tell us that the Lord doesn't love each one of us!!!!

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