Thursday, September 15, 2011

In the early morning hours amidst the misty English fog we waved good-bye to another group. As the bus pulled out, we felt that familar tug to the heart strings. It always feels like we are throwing them into the world knowing they will suffer discouragement, disappointment, and some anxiety, but we are bouyed by the fact that the will have moments of great joy as they feel the direction of the spirit and watch people's lives change.
This was a wonderful group but there were a few that we worried about. Richard had as many as 5 interviews with some of them. He gave many blessings and taught them individually in many ways. We saw wonderful things happen as a result. When you spend that much time with them, they get into your heart. We had one that was such an infant in the gospel, he knew so little and there was so much to learn and his language skills were very limited. We had another one with learning disabilities but he tried so hard and made so much progress and we were so proud of him!
One of the wonderful things that happens is that these missionaries bond with each other in such a way that they really help each other. When one is floundering the others step forward and encourage and praise and cheer them on. It is so hard to one day be a teen ager with all the toys and the next day to be a missionary with only the scriptures and Preach My Gospel. The leap sometimes is agonizing. They try so hard and then the "boy scout" in them surfaces and they begin to act out.
But, the miracle of it all is that by the time they leave they look different, they act different and they are different. And you just pray that they are strong enough to withstand the gale force winds that will hit some of them.

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