Monday, September 12, 2011


Don't ask me what happened to this blog. Just when I think I have learned a few tricks, it back fires and pix seem to pop up in odd places. Such is this one. You will find no sequence in these pix. They just appeared. Nevertheless, this pix is of our friends Kent and Barbara Murdock who are serving in the France Leon Mission.

Last week we spent 3 days in Copenhagen at the Mission President's Seminar. Everything about it was "brilliant", as they say in England! We were taught by Elders Kopischke, Causse, and Teixeira, the Europe Area Presidency and then were blessed to have Elder David Bednar and his wife Susan join us for the last day. It was wonderful to mingle with the fine men and women who are serving as Mission Presidents in the Europe area, some of whom are old friends.

In between meetings we did some sightseeing and saw many of the exquiste wonders of Copenhagen.

Above is the Frederiksborg Castle, one of the more beautiful castles in all of Europe. Many compare it with Versaille in Paris.

Our first evening we had some free time and used it to wander in the city. We were sitting on a bench outside the Royal Copenhagen Store wondering how we could connect with Clark (my brother) and Kathleen who were coming from Barcelona. No sooner had we said it than we looked up and they were walking right in front of us. Such fun! That was the beginning of many moments of chit chat. We had such a great time together.

The Kristina statue was sculpted by Dennis Smith who lives in Alpine, Utah and has Danish roots in Denmark. This statue represents the 20,000 Danish saints who immigrated to America. It is an expression of the deep feelings that rest with the immigrants who are always torn between the past and the future. It is a beautiful piece that stands on the shores of the canal.

The seminar was held in the Marriott and was first class in every way.This beautiful canal wraps around the city.Our view from our hotel window.One of the hightlights was our visit to the section in Frederiksborg Castle that is home to the Carl Block paintings. Interestingly enough, these magnificent paintings are displayed in a small dark room that is passed over by many visitors. The only light comes in from a small window. Apparently this is intentional, the idea being that Christ becomes the light of each painting. And interestingly enough it works and there is a wonderful spirit in that little room.

This was my favorite painting. Mary's face is clear and innocent and has a pure kind of beauty.

The paintings are all familiar to us as the church has used them in many publications.

The interior of the castle is exquisite. This ceiling is 3 dimensional with sculpted figures hanging among the paintings.

more castle --

and then the Christus..... Surely the highlight. Richard was thrilled beyond words. For whatever reason he has always dreamed of seeing this piece of work. The church that houses this is unlike most European churches that are dark and almost sullen. This one is very bright and quite simple which creates a beautiful background for the Christus and the statues of the 12 apostles that line the sides of the chapel. The entire feeling is one of spiritual worship.

more friends -- Anne and Rick Clegg serving in Malaga, Spain.

A wonderful 4 day break. Made rich by friends and instruction.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome stories! Fabulous pictures! Thanks for taking the time to do this! We wait anxiously for our postcards and your posts on your blogs... and of course our SKYPES... especially wedding day ones!! We love you and send out prayers, support and love!! hugs and kisses <3
