Thursday, June 9, 2011

Temple Grounds -- Preston England

And I thought the fern grotto was in Hawaii!

Early summer on the grounds of the Preston Temple.

Every two weeks we walk the 500 yards to the temple and every time it is a new experience.

We have watched the crocuses turn to daffoldils and then tulips and then azaleas and then......

on and on it goes.

This week was no different. The trees are as beautiful as the flowers.

This tree is covered with these delicate white blossoms.
Perhaps someone out there knows what they are.

Even the green archways are blooming!

English gardens are filled with variety. No formal beds....
just a flux of color mixed among greens

This white tree heralds the entrance to the brick pathway that leads to the temple.

No all paths lead to the temple, but this one does!

Don't they look good enough to hug!
But I have to leave that to the President.

I tell them they are proxy hugs from me!