Thursday, September 13, 2012

Scarborough, Robin Hood Bay, Whitby

We have not taken a Preparation Day for a couple of weeks, so last week we made up for it and took 2 days to go to the Yorkshire Coast on the North Eastern shores of England.  It was simply wonderful.  And what made it even better was the sun........two days of bright sunshine which brought some warmth (probably 75 degrees)  and not a drop of rain!!!  We have not had 2 days like that all summer.  So to spend them on the coast, walking along the sandy beaches was more that we could ever have dreamed of.
First Stop:  SCARBOROUGH.  And yes, we were singing "Have you been to Scarborough Fair"  all day.  This small city is a beauty.  And it is also the burial spot of Anne Bronte.  She died a young girl - age 28.  Her family had taken her from Haworth (anyone who has visited us has been there) to Scarborough thinking the sea air and mineral springs would cure her.  It did not.  In fact she died soon thereafter.

Check out this beach.  Either I have just forgotten or these sandy beaches are as soft and beautiful as Hawaii or any other coast.  And of course, we rolled up our pant legs and walked in -- ankle deep!!

The Grand Hotel is just that!  It was built in 1867 with six million bricks and fifty two chimneys.  Altho I would emphasize OLD and GRAND.. it is gargantuan and neglected but does sport beautiful views!

Now really.....doesn't it look just like the Islands!  Not quite as warm but just as beautiful........and so different for England!

This, on the other hand, looks very typically English.  The combination of seaside and castles is simply brilliant!

OK, so we are not in swimwear, or T shirts....and so....we have layers to protect us from the wind.....but note, I have bare legs and sandals!  Can't ask for more than that!!!  After all, we are in England!

Eggs anyone.....right here on the roadside -- leave what you think they are worth!

ROBIN HOOD BAY-- and the tide is OUT.  Seems that most places we go, the tide is OUT.  The tide goes in and out twice a day.

Robin Hood Bay perpetuates the myth that perhaps the man himself lived there (if, in fact, there was such a man).  Nevertheless it is a small village which reeks with charm and pink tiles roofs.  The steep road that leads down to the shoreline is for walkers only (no pun intended).  Park your cars at the top and stroll down among the little shops and alleys.

Then on to WHITBY - more old churches and more pink tiled roofs.

We have mostly avoided the local fish and chips......a festoon of grease.....but just couldn't resist when we got to Whitby.  We were told they have the best in the world and we were not disappointed.  Big -- mild --- fresh -- and delicious, complete with mushy peas that taste a bit like Gerbers baby food but are actually quite good and are always served with fish and chips! 

Now really!  Who would think they could drive a vehicle down this alley!

Well, maybe a bike!

This bridge (over a hundred years old)  suddenly opened up and let a small ship sail through......

just like magic!!!

The ruins of the Whitby Abbey are accessed by climbing 199 stairs.  These date back to 675 and yet today the remains are impressive.
Having made the climb you've followed the fictional footsteps of Dracula, who in the novel takes the form of a dog that bounds up the steps after the wreck of the ship bearing his coffin.

Whitby is a fishing harbour and a beautiful northern resort.  It was once a whaling village made popular by Melville's Moby Dick.  Today the harbour still hosts many ships and lighthouses.

Perhaps Captain Cook is Whitby's most famous citizen.(purported to be England's most famous sea explorer claiming Australia and New Zealand and others for England's empire)    From 1746 - 1749 he lived in the home of John Walker (pictured above) who was a Quaker ship-owner. (yes, we are sure we are related!)  It is here that Cook developed his sea faring skills. 

Captain Cook's ships of discovery were built in Whitby.  A monument to his name overlooks the city.  
And who is the guy in the white shirt and athletic shoes! 

The beaches of Whitby were tempting.......beautiful sand, and sunshine. 

Now I know how Jonah was swallowed by a whale!!!  Plenty of room in that enormous mouth!!

more of the harbour

And finally, a stop at the Lavendar Fields. Couldn't help but buy a little lavendar oil at an outragious price because it guaranteed a good night's sleep if you rub in on the bottom of your feet.  Well, we can tell you, you might not sleep any better but you sure smell good!
and so with that...........I shall sign off, go rub my feet and go to bed! 

1 comment:

  1. I love Robin Hood's Bay and those fish and chips look amazing! What a fun outing and I love your pictures.
