Saturday, August 4, 2012

From the mouths of missionaries...

The missionaries turn in a weekly written report and there are often sweet expressions of testimony.  The following are just a few from this week's letters.

Each week we take the missionaries on the train into Manchester to go street contacting.  As I have mentioned before, this is a terrifying and humbling experience for most of them.  Before they go we ask if there are any who are NOT nervous and we always have a few hands.  Invariably they are the ones that get a double dose of humility as they find that not everyone salivates with desire to know more.  Nevertheless they forge onward and it becomes a turning point in their experience here.

My second week at the MTC has been amazing.  The opportunity to go to Manchester and preach the gospel was amazing.  I learnt so much and can't wait to enter the field.  I wish to share with you an experience I had the day after we went out to Manchester.  After the experience I had proselyting I really reflected on how the Lord had prepared me to be here as a missionary and what he wanted me to become.  Late Saturday evening when everyone went to bed I poured my heart out to the Lord.  I told him I was willing to do anything for Him. and thanked Him for the opportunity to serve him.  I expressed my love for him and that I wanted to obey with exactness.  I then had the most overwhelming feeling.  The Spirit completely filled my body and I knew for a surety it was from the Lord.  It was the most amazing feeling and I knew God loved me and that this is where I was suppose to be.  I have such a desire to serve and I've learnt so much!

And another.....

On the Church History Tour last week we were challenged to turn our lives over to the Lord.  This had been something |I was pondering while I was studying Christ like attributes.  After you gave us this challenge I got right on the bus and prayed and did just that and then re confirmed it that night.  The spirit was so strong as I pondered how significant that was.  I've noticed a huge difference this week in what I've learned and what I have done throughout this week.

and again....

Last week during our interview I was questioning myself "am I good enough?"  I felt the spirit so strongly during our interview and I cam e to realize that we need to trust in the Lord a little more.  The Lord will comfort us and make our weaknesses become strengths if we trust in him and are willing to work.  From then on the spirit really began to help me and I was able to bear stronger testimony.

and on and on......from little boys to servants of God in 2 weeks! 

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