Wednesday, July 18, 2012

From "there" (heaven) to "here" (earth)!

The old churchyard in Hope, Wales -- burial place of Robert Roberts -- Richard's 2nd great grandfather
 Monday was our Preparation Day and what a day it was!  Our thoughts and actions led us in search of those who live "over there" and those who "live here."  We drove to Hawarden, Wales, ancestral home of the Bennion line -- Richard's great grandparents on his mothers side.  We knew the street where they resided but wanted more info so we went to the little Records Office in the town center.  After explaining what we were after, they pulled several old books from the shelves and we began to search for burial plots.  I felt just like my friends who are serious geneologists and have spent hours searching old records and documents.  But I must admit it was a new experience for me....and so fun.  The Spirit of Elijah danced around the room and we were loving it.  We found some burial plots and went in search.  It was pouring rain and we tramped through deep grass but when we stumbled onto the grave of Robert Roberts, part of the Bennion line,  we were so excited and have vowed to go back on a day when the sun is shining (if such a thing occurs)!!!
So why would you need a lawn mower when you can turn the sheep loose!

Can't figure out how to turn him right side up.  But here he is......with his hands on the gravestone of Robert Roberts (such an original name!)

Gravestone of a 2nd great grandfather Robert Roberts - married to a Bennion

The two girls reading from the Book of Mormon
After searching out those who are now "there" we drove to Conwy, Wales to meet with two young women who are "here".  Two weeks ago we were in Conwy with some family (The Bensons) and while they were in the castle Richard and I took a walk.  It started to rain quite heavily so we stepped under an archway to seek shelter.  These two young women were sitting there and we began to converse with them.  We learned that they are just 14 years old and are best friends.  As we shared the gospel they brightened and seem to love everything we told them.   When the Bensons joined us Emma (who is 15) shared her feelings about YW and we left promising them that the missionaries would come and bring them a Book of Mormon. 
And President Walker expounding
 Well, for many reasons, the missionaries did not ever connect so we told them we would come again and on Monday we did just that.  It was raining (again!) so we found shelter under a tree, sat on the ground and began to teach.  I cannot tell you how much fun it was.  Everything we would say they responded with "Oh, how sweet, oh we love it, oh it makes so much sense!"  We called the missionaries while we were there and set up an appt. for them to meet on Thursday at 4 p.m.
They claim they have told all their friends and family about us and that everyone thinks they are so LUCKY to have met us!!!!  Little do they know how blessed we feel to have met them!
We love these girls!!!!
And to add to our complete joy......yesterday morning we were in the Chorley Market and approached a shop keeper named Suki.  We have befriended her over a period of time and have even given her a B of M.  A few days ago I was in the market waiting for Richard and she was standing alone with no customers so I approached her and we started talking.  She told me she is turning towards Jesus Christ, she believes in him, but she doesn't know Him.  She cannot find answers to the questions she has .  My goodness, what an opener!  I felt like saying "HAVE I GOT A DEAL FOR YOU!!! Subsequently when Richard and I saw her again yesterday morning we asked if there was a time we  could visit with her when she was not working and immediately she said, "Half past 1 today!"  WOW!  Half past one we were there and sat over a pot of tea and two bottles of water while we taught her.  We have another appt. next week.  She has promised to read the B of M and pray about it and asked if she could have another book to give to her sister.


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