Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Crusin' Down the River......

Since Day 1 we have wanted to take a boat trip along one of the many canals that meander through the country and last week we had that chance.  A local man invited us to spend a Preparation Day on a 12 mile segment of the Leeds Liverpool Canal. 
The day was overcast (so what else is new?) but the rain held until we returned.

These Canal Boats are sometimes recreational vehicles and sometimes are permanent homes.  They are used like we use motor homes.   People live on the canals or will often spend 6 months of the year floating through the country, stepping off and exploring whenever they feel inclined.  They average about 3 mph so you can't be in a hurry if you choose to travel this way.  We met a couple that had been on the canal for 2 months and had come from Cambridge (about 3-4 hours by car). Many people find them relaxing but frankly 6 hours was enough for us.  It was great but would get old after two months!

The scenery was pastoral.  The thick green folage and intermittent sprays of flaming bushes added to the spectacular beauty of it all.

It was a lazy way to spend a day.

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