Friday, April 27, 2012

Burpham, Arundel, Portsmouth

When I was a young girl of dating age, it seemed that a favorite pastime of young men was to gather together and share picture slides of their missions. If you were a good date you would sit hour after hour and ooh and aah and revel in their missionary experiences,when actually you were bored out of your mind.  . 
 I feel a bit like this when I post pix after pix and share a little travelog.  The difference is that I am not requiring you to be a good date or even an interested friend.  Just know I do this for our own personal journal and your interest is optional. are free to sign off now and I will never know!
But for my sake......
These are pictures of the little town of Burpham, on the outskirts of Arundel.  Years ago I visited here because there are some Goble (ancestors) graves in this churchyard cemetery but this time I found the grave stones so worn that they were not identifiable.   The little church used to have a guest book that had the names of family members who have visited, but this time the church was locked.  Perhaps they have gone out of business!
The genuine thatched roof cottages are abundant in this tiny town.

 What a tree!  (That's the big one in  the back.)  Gnarled, squirrely twisted and deranged.  Makes the man in front look strong and straight.
 Nothing like Home Sweet Home.  Arundel Castle really is home to the 12th Duke of Norfolk and their 5 children -- ages 16-24.  They live in one wing of the castle and the rest is open to the public.  This is one of the longest inhabited country houses in England and is beautifully set next to the Arun River.  Most recently it was the backdrop for the movie THE YOUNG VICTORIA.

 How's this for a view from the terrace?
 The rolling hills are ablaze with yellow rave seed -- something they use to make cooking oil.

The HMS Warrior -- Lord Nelson's ship harboured at Portsmouth.  It never knew battle, thus it remains in mint condition!

So much for this rambling......probably one more to come!

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