Friday, April 29, 2011

royal wedding continued......

Today during the royal ceremony, the Arch Bishop of London made the statement, "Every wedding is a royal wedding." I thought of my own parents.....Today is the 74th anniversary of their wedding. (thoughtful of Will and Kate to pick this date in their honor.)

The royal wedding is a national holiday. Communities are having neighborhood parties. There will be 3 big formal parties that the couple will attend, 22 caterers, mulititudes of dignitaries, and international coverage all at a cost of £20 million.

I can't help but contrast this with that wedding 74 years ago. On April 29, 1937 my royal couple went to the temple and there, in a quiet, unassuming, unnoteworthy event, they were married. No money, no reception, a borrowed dress and a quick honeymoon to Zion National Park! But what a life!!! More than any royal couple will ever know!


  1. That was beautiful. And such truth! Happy Anniversary to your parents. Theirs is a marriage worth emulating.
