Monday, April 18, 2011

Another Sweet Sabbath

Each Sunday the missionaries are given a topic and asked to all prepare a 5 minute talk that they can give in Sacrament Meeting. They don't know ahead of time who will be called on but the preparation is an important part of the assignment. This was our third and last Sunday with this group of missionaries. Their assignment was "The Atonement and What it Means in my Life." If they have not been called on in the previous weeks, they can be pretty sure their number will be pulled. Nevertheless, they all prepare and occasionally someone is called on twice. This is a difficult topic and by now the emotions are running high. They are preparing to leave for their mission fields on Wednesday. They have had 2 plus weeks of intense training and preparation. And the spirit has born witness to them on many occasions. There is a sense of intimacy that has developed between them and they have come to love and trust and support each other. The combination of these things brings forth a pouring out of the soul and they recognize how far they have come in two short weeks. Yesterday was no different. One by one they stood and spoke powerful and sincere testimonies of the Savior. One young man, in a reflective mood said that the first 2 days he was here, he kept looking at the doors and planning his escape. The problem was.....he couldn't figure out how he could swim across that great big pond that stood between him and home! (thank goodness!) Others told of extreme homesickness that took them to the president's office and then kept them on their knees a good part of the night. But each testified of the remarkable and quick recovery and how intensely grateful they were that they stuck it out. These handsome, husky strong elders stand and weep and say, "If it weren't for the Atonement, I wouldn't be here today". "The only time you'll ever see me cry is when I am listening to tesitmonies". "When I decided to go on a mission, my dad started going back to church. Now I pray my brothers will do the same thing." "When I remember my past, I weep! But I have changed. Christ is my big brother. I wish I could give Him a hug and tell Him Thank You for what he has done for me". We have one sister from Georgia who speaks only Georgian and very little English. But yesterday she told us that the Book Of Mormon is not translated in Georgian so she first read it with the missionaries translating for her. She could also read a little of it in Russian. This young woman has just been a member for 16 months. But she bears a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon and has a great desire to share it as a missionary. She is the only member in her family and I simply marvel that her conversion came from reading that marvelous book in two different and foreign languages. One more evidence that it is the spirit that converts. We are just the instruments........ This church is in good hands. These young men and women are on fire and full of great faith. They are so sensitive to the spirit and are learning how to recognize it's promptings. Is it any wonder we love them so.......

1 comment:

  1. I can feel the spirit from their testimonies all the way across that great big pond.
