Friday, February 4, 2011


To say I am frustrated is an understatement! Over the period of several days I wrote up a blog entry, pushed publish post and it vanished right before my eyes. Between my inadequacies and a computer that is unfamiliar and quite antiquated, I threw it into cyber space. I was so upset I put it aside and finally have the courage to begin again!

Last Weds. morning in the early dawn we bid good-bye to our first group. As they stepped out into that cold, dark, damp English air, my heart froze. I watched them pull away and take a piece of my heart with them. I hope every farewell is not this hard, but it just might be. These are just such amazing and valiant souls.

But to recount the last few days....

We took the missionaries to a town not far from here, assigned each companionship a few streets, let them out and told them to begin knocking doors. Many of them were terrified. Some came to me that morning complaining of stomach aches and head aches. Thought they were sick enough to stay home. Honestly I felt for them, but couldn't excuse them. It was a biting cold day, but all be darned.......they did it with great success! One companionship actually got in a home, began teaching, made an appt. to return that evening......went back that night and taught the man, woman (not married) and baby and set up another appt. that the local missionaries took. They all came home higher than kites. The ailments were all better , the spirits were high and they were raring to go again.....Amazing what the spirit does and what a little success can do.
The classic comment by an elder "Wow, I learned today that what you are teaching us is really true!" (Never too late to learn)

Sat. a stake brought 60 youth to the Temple and then to the MTC. We took them on a little tour, showed a movie about the MTC, the missionaries sang for them and Sister Gong told her conversion story. She is from Mainland China, was a TV reporter in her city (a beautiful girl!), was selected out of 2000 applicants to receive an internship in Wash. DC during the presidential elections! While there she met the missionaries, refused them 3 times and finally gave in. She read the BoM and the rest is history. Of course, she is the only member in her family but will be a great strength to the Church when she returns to China.

Sunday we went to a Ward Sac. Mtg. where the missionaires sang and President and I spoke. It was quite wonderful for us all to be in a regular meeting again, with children, families, and all other kinds of people. These missionaries were great singers and they would make any ward choir drool!

Sunday afternoon we had an activity where we showed clips from If you have not viewed these, you must. They are wonderful little biographies from members around the world. We then had the missionaries stand and give their own.....They each finished by saying, "My name is.................and I am a Mormon Missionary". It was such a rah rah kind of experience, and we learned some really cute things about each one of them.

Monday was our PDay. You probably saw the fireworks rising from the roof. Our shipment finally arrived. It was like Christmas......and my poor feet found relief at last. President is finally able to dress with everything matching, including his shoes. And for the first time we could sleep in pj's on nice pillows. Such luxuries!!! In addition we went out and bought a mattress, one that actually fits our bed and keeps you from rolling off (at least we hope as it has not yet been delivered).
It was also our anniversary and the cute sister missionaries fixed up at table for us in the cafeteria, complete with a sign, a lace cloth, flowers, heart candies and a Swiss chocolate bar. The scrounged thru the building, and in their suitcases to come with things. When we walked into the cafeteria, all the missionaries stood and clapped. Honestly, they are so adorable I could have just eaten them!

Tuesday was our last Temple Day with them. They LOVE the temple and when they linger in the Celestial Room you never hear a sound. They meditate and pray and seek the spirit. By now they have come to understand that they are completely reliant on the spirit. It is a sight to behold. When you think that 3 weeks ago they were in their jeans, texting their friends, playing the ipods, hanging out with friends. The transformation is remarkable! What the Lord can do to those who submit themselves!!

We finished the day by inviting them all into our apt. for a testimony meeting. It was a sweet evening. Each missionary stood and expressed such love for each other, for the Savior, for this experience. I don't know if this will happen with all groups but this group has become totally united. We had many who came knowing very little English. They have no language study time except what they can do with their companions. But every missionary pitches in and helps them. That night we experienced the gift of tongues. We had a missionary from Germany who could hardly speak a word of English when he arrived. In fact he often looked like a little boy who was trapped in a body, unable to express himself. But that night he stood and haltingly gave his testimony in English. There was not a dry eye among us. The more amazing thing is that he is going to a German speaking mission and really won't need English, but realizes that opportunities will be opened to him if he learns it and he did not waste a moment here. At the conclusion of the meeting we had some refreshments and then they lingered, taking pictures, giving hugs, laughing and crying. They knew that for some of them this would be good-bye forever -- and already they were talking about meeting in the next life, so they must all stay the course and return to their eternal home together. Have I mentioned how much we love them!

This was a wonderful group of young people. Surely among the Lord's chosen! We fell in love with each one of them. Our tears of departure were also tears of joy. Lucky are their mission presidents. They are getting a choice group.

But they are gone.....and today we get a new batch. President has gone to Frankfurt for meetings so I am on my own with the help of the Williams (who are wonderful) and the staff.

Yesterday on our day off I went with the Williams and Powells (an office couple) to Wales, saw castles, wandered thru villages and soaked in the atmosphere. A great day. Sorry President missed it!!!

And so it goes......hopefully I can soon post pix but for now I will just feel happy if I can get this thing published.

Love and miss home..........(well, sort of)


  1. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful experiences!

    Here's a publishing idea that will hopefully take care of your frustrations: Type your entries into a word processing program such as Microsoft Word or Word Perfect or even Notebook. Once you have your post written select everything (hit alt button plus the letter A) and then copy it (hit alt button plus c). Go to blogger and open it for a new post. Paste your entry (alt button plus v) and then publish. If the entry disappears you still have everything in your word program and can just copy and paste the entry again until it actually publishes! Good luck!

  2. Dear Kathy and Rich,
    So good to hear some of the spiritual highs of your early mission. I am getting a feel for the historic significance of Preston via the details and interesting facts about this charming city. I wish your font was white, because the black on red is more difficult to my eye. oh well, come what may and love it! smile!
    You have the missionary zeal, which is infectious. Love you, Marian and Bob

  3. Sounds like you are having a wonderful experience. Thanks for sharing it with all of us back home. Love to you both!
