Friday, December 14, 2012

Three Stories

Seems my computer has been experiencing holiday stress and has just gone bonkers on me....but I am in the process of tending to it and hopefully I can write something that requires no pictures, as they seem to be the focus of the trouble....
So.....a couple of missionary experiences
We recently attended a Mission Zone Conference and the mission president told the story of his father's conversion back in the 50's. It went something like this...
The missionaries knocked on their door and his mother invited them to return that evening when her husband would be home.
That evening they taught the first discussion.  The mother then looked in the encyclopedia (that's what we used to do back in the 50's) and found that Mormons were associated with polygamy and she told her husband the missionaries were never to come again.
Like any good husband, he obeyed but continued to meet with them elsewhere.  He gained a testimony and decided to be baptized.  His wife threatened that if he did she would leave him and take their two sons with her. 
He did, she didn't!
Time passed and he longed to have his wife join but her heart was hardened.  He prayed for help and  he heard a voice say "Bible".  He answered "where in the Bible, it's a big book" and again he heard "John 12:7"   He turned to that verse and it begins by saying "let her alone."
So he did!
Years passed and she longed for a baby girl.  Her husband felt prompted to give her a blessing wherein he would promise her that she would have a baby girl and she would join the church.
He approached her about giving the blessing and she refused stating if she wanted a blessing she would go to her priest at her church!!!!
Fast Sunday was approaching and she went to fast meeting with him. He got up in the meeting and announced to the congregation that they were expecting a baby girl and as a result his wife would be joining the church.
This was new news to her!
How brave can a man be!!!
Soon after she became pregnant.  The week-end she was due to deliver he was to attend a church conference in a neighboring town.  His wife insisted that she was going to have the baby and he was not to go.
He asked her if she believed it was a girl and if she believed that she would join the church and she gave him an emphatic NO!!!
He then told her that she would not have the baby this week-end and off he went to the meeting.
Three days later she delivered a baby girl and shortly thereafter she joined the church.
Now, have you ever??????
Last week-end we were in the Preston Christmas Market.  While Richard was making a purchase I wandered off to a neighboring booth and began chatting with the couple selling their homemade jams and jelly.
The conversation soon turned to the church and the angel Moroni that they had seen on top of the temple.  It was a perfect introduction to the Book of Mormon and before I knew it I was asking if two missionariers could come to their home and bring them a copy of the book.....and they could read all about Moroni and many others.....
Wow!  They said YES. 
Yesterday we heard that the missionaries had a wonderful visit and will be returning again.
Just thrilled me beyond description!
A few days ago we were in Chorley.  Richard was walking along behaving himself and a man ran up from  behind and stopped him.  He asked about his missionary badge and what church it was. 
When he heard he was a Mormon he said, "I want to come to that church this Sunday and not just this Sunday but every Sunday after that"! 
Now, can you imagine how excited the missionaries were to get that referral!
Honestly, it is so fun!!!
A post script is that we are speaking in that ward in 2 weeks.  Hope we see him there!

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