Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Robert Burns Night

Robert Burns was a Scottish poet and is mostly known for his poem Auld Lang Syne. Although he led a far from Saintly life, the Scottish people hold him in high esteem and celebrate his birthday every year. We have 13 missionaries in this group who will be serving in Scotland/Ireland so we took occasion to acquaint them with a bit of Scottish culture. Each of them were asked to read a Burns quote which is easier said than done, as the Scottish brogue is not akin to the English language that we know!
Note the head table decorated with our Scottish plaid scarves and the posters that hang in the front have the words to some Burns poems.

The missionaries love a little party!

Check out the Scottish plaid handkerchiefs on the tables. I found them in the Chorley Market!!

Chris Pattenden, who is our director of training, served his mission in Scotland and will use any excuse to put on his kilt and lace up shoes.

Here is Chris stabbing the haggis with the knife he pulled from his sock! Very dramatic!

And of course.....the food.....! Scottish shortbread in all varieties!

Steak and kidney pie, mashed turnips, potatoes and peas.

And the featured delicacy of Haggis! It is only served once a year on this special day! It is much like stuffing only it is made from the inners of all parts of the animal and is baked in the stomach lining of a sheep!

Not exactly the thing you would order twice in a restuarant. (actually you wouldn't order it at all!)

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