Saturday, October 1, 2011

October 1, 2011

I don't know about you, but I am sitting here wondering if we had a September! It came and went so fast that I must have missed it. I have been reminded that fall is coming because outside my office window there is a tree whose changing leaves remind me that Mother Nature is in charge and doing her thing. But as far as fall weather. What is that?

It was cold and rainy until the first of this week and then something happened. It was as if summer had been forgotten and so Mother Nature decided to throw it in at the last minute. This week we are breaking records. Yesterday and today are the hottest days on record for this time of year. A whopping 78 degrees! Nothing for you, but for us.........WOW! There is almost a feeling of urgency among everyone that they must get out and enjoy it while it lasts. The roads are bumper to bumper, the buses are loaded and the trains are on overflow.

And we have joined the masses. Everyday we go for a long walk. We jump in the car and within a mile in any direction we find public footpaths. We park and walk and walk and walk, down country lanes, across pastures, through graveyards, picking and eating the wild blackberries and marveling at the beauty of this place.

Friday we had another one of those days on the streets of Manchester. It is always scary and always fun. We placed 4 Books of Mormons to people who promised to read and pray about it and welcome the missionaries in to teach them. On those days we come home higher than a kite. That is when you really begin to get inside the skin of what it feels like to be a missionary!!! And it is fun!

We had an interesting experience on the train hom We sat by a foursome of big, loud, beer guzzling bruisers who told the missionaries they could sit by them if they didn't talk relgion. Fair enuf, we said. But of course it was not long before they were asking questions......"where are you from..?" "Italy, Denmark, Brazil, America". They were stunned and that led to more questions. "What are you doing here? How long do you serve? Why in the world would you do such a thing?" They moved from taunting to genuine interest. The elder sitting closest to them got a dozen questions thrown at him. And we just sat and listened to him respond to every one in a most amazing way. This young elder is a soccer player and coach and was headed for the big leagues when he met the elders and was converted to the church. He shared his feelings with these big guys and they were moved. We were so proud of him!!! However, there was one of these big bruisers that continually used foul language. Another in the group suggested to him that he tame it, as there was a lady in the crowd. But he continued.

We talked and laughed and had a good time. As we pulled into our station and I stood to leave the train, I told them how much we enjoyed riding with them and talking with them. It had been very informative and entertaining. And then I turned to the foulmouthed man and said, "But you need to know that it was very hard for me hear the language you were using. I am not used to it and it was very uncomfortable." And then the most amazing thing happened. All the other big bruisers began to jump on him and apologize for him and tell me they were sorry and that they were out of line. I smiled and accepted their apology while the elders stood by watching. When we got off the train they were cheering. It was a David and Goliath story and the little guy won! This led to a wonderful discussion on how to diffuse anger when people are attacking you.

It is simply amazing how the Lord empowers you when you are on His errand. The elders felt it in that moment as did I. This is an amazing work!

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