Saturday, August 27, 2011

The spirit is the teacher......

We have a rather large number of missionaries who are recent converts and they all come with their own story. Here are two.

Story #1

"My best friend and I took the lessons together and were baptized the same day. It was wonderful. We had always been like best friends. More like brothers. Together we began planning for the day when we could serve missions. For one year we talked about it, studied for it and got so excited. When the time came, we got the necessary forms filled out and decided we would send our papers in at the same time. When the day came, I sent mine! When I checked with my friend, he gave me some excuse but said he would do it right away. I received my call, and my friend was still trying to get to sending his papers in.... Months passed and nothing happened. I am now here and my best friend, my very best friend from childhood has left the church! And it makes me so sad!!!"

Story #2

"When I began investigating the church it made no sense to me. I remember when the elders asked me to pray. I about fell over.....but they kept asking and on the 3rd visit I consented. It was an amazing experience! And then I began reading the Book of Mormon. I did not understand one word. I had no idea what it was about. It was just a bunch of words, but I kept reading, because I was feeling something and I knew it was true. When I teach an investigator it all comes back to me and I know what it feels like to be the one sitting across the room wondering what it is I am feeling and where it is going to take me".

Both of these missionaries will be wonderful. Their testimonies are young and their knowledge of the gospel is limited, but they know the power of the spirit and what happens when it penetrates your heart!

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