Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July!!!*!?+**!!

Yes, we also celebrated. No parades, no BBQ's, no fireworks, no family, but......We had decorations, US flags, wore red, white and blue (Elder McMurtrey from Texas even thought to bring his stars and stripes tie!) sang patriotic songs and shared holiday traditions.
and food......hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, fries, homemade apple pie and snickerdoodles

But the hit of the day was A&W Root Beer!!!!!

Root Beer is not available here and it is the one thing the missionaries ask for

So...............with a little sleuthing, we found a source

A good member of the church who has an import business, donated Root Beer and Grape soda for our celebration!!!!!!!

What we are not telling them ... yet ... is that we also have some Twinkies! We'll bring those out the night before they leave......a farewell surprise!

Even the instructors who are all English joined in the fun!

We gave all of them an abbreviated American history lesson.

and they caught the irony of "Independence" Day.

A post script: Boys will be boys. Many ate 2 hamburgers, 2 hotdogs, 2 pieces of chicken,potatoe salad, pasta salad, green salad, pie, ice cream, cookies and topped it all off with root beer!!! Disgusting!

Sisters are a little more reasonable!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Independence Day! Anybody get sick after the celebrations?

    Oh do you remember how Maria Turley made hearts out of the twinkies and put some sort of sauce on top? It's on the GV1 RS blog somewhere.
