Monday, May 16, 2011

Post Script

Our final testimony meeting is always tender. Lots of loving expressions are shared. Our Elder Hlalaphi shared this: "All my life color has been an issue. I have been teased and abused and taunted. Color is BIG in my country and I have always been so aware of it! The first day I walked into the MTC I looked around and realized that I was in an "all white" environment and I thought, "here I go again!" But it wasn't long before I began to feel like one of you. And today I can say that for the first time in my life, I no longer see color. Instead I see my brothers and sisters in the gospel and I am one with you!"

Another young man, who is painfully shy and has little self esteem, said that the first time one of the elders told him they loved him, he thought they were joking. In fact, he thought they were making fun of him, but in time he came to realize that they really meant it. For the first time he felt loved and accepted -- even valued!

And still another VERY British missionary meeting said, "I never thought I would say this, but I LOVE my American brothers!

The gospel does wonderful things for people!

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