Sunday, March 13, 2011

door to door!

Last Friday the missionaries went door to door. It was cold and drizzly and could have been very discouraging.
On the contrary..........
When we had our "return and report" meeting, these were their comments:

"It's the most cheerful I've ever been being rejected!"
"We got rejected a lot and it was super much fun!"
"I decided that no matter what they say to me, I will be happy!"
"I didn't care that I was freezing and wet and couldn't feel my fingers -- I was just so happy!"
"I'll never again be afraid of rejection!"
"We just told them that we would like to sing a song for you!"
"Since when is being rejected fun, but it was!"
"What made me happy is that we did everything we could. We knocked on EVERY door!"
"It doesn't matter if they accept or not, we are planting seeds!"
"I've never prayed out loud right on the street before, but I did and it worked!"

The end result:
Three companionships were invited in and asked to return. They all went back that evening and taught in the homes. They were excited beyond belief. The others, who suffered rejection the entire day were bouyed by the success of the few and were not in the least discouraged.

The Lord knows what he is doing when he sends these young, daring, excited and wonderful young people. They haven't lived a lot of years, and yet they know so much about the spirit and how it teaches.

And in the process, they teach us.


  1. I'm wondering if there are enough people around you to keep sending the missionaries door to door for the next three years. Although I suppose some people need to be contacted more than once for their hearts to be opened. :D

  2. We go to a different city each week and do just a few neighborhoods in that city. There are so many areas within a 30 minute radius that it is never a problem. By the time we run out of cities, we start again but in a different neighborhood.
